Two nights ago, after 11 years, our little rain cloud passed away, dying quietly at home.

When we brought him home as a kitten, he was so thankful that he went back and forth between our laps, purring and being loved. He could jump incredibly high while chasing ribbons and strings, doing flips and jumping from a sitting position so high his paws would touch the top of a door. Then one day he landed wrong, hurting his leg. He hardly jumped again after that.
Nimbus was a big cat, comparatively, but very much a lap kitty, and would bug me for attention any time I was sitting, particularly if I wanted to read. And he was very soft. He would sleep by my head every night, whether I wanted him to or not. I’ll miss that.
Though we got three other housecats after Nimbus, Nimbus was like our first baby, through six years of infertility treatments, then the adoption of our two children.
He’s being cremated, and I imagine we’ll bury his ashes in the flower bed, near the bird feeder.
Goodbye, my Nimbus. We love you.
Sorry to hear about Nimbus. We've had a long series of pets -- at first just dogs and then both dogs and cats -- over 42 years, and each one that has left us -- Beau, Frisky Olsen, Benito, Grandma Tigger, Alyce Victoria, Grizzie, Ollie, -- was special and is still missed. And now Sherlock and Watson, two big dogs, live with us and may well outlast me. I hope they'll miss me as much as I would them. :)
Bye, Nimbus.
He sounds like a very special cat. I'm sorry you lost him but glad he had such a long and happy life with you.
I'm sorry, he was a good kitty.
I have a feeling Nimbus will still be with you. In your dreams if nowhere else. Soon enough you'll wake up convinced you'd been holding him in your arms or on your lap.
At least, that's what happens with me and the kitties I've lost through the years.
My best to you and your family.
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